Billings Homes

The Best Time of Year to Sell Your House.


Try not to make assumptions, since you just might be over thinking a bit.


Ironwood Subdivision NW Billings 


The toughest months to sell


Christmas week can be an awful week to sell your property.


One day of the year is worse than all others for home sellers, as indicated by land data organization Attom Data Solutions: Dec. 26. That is when purchasers score their greatest deals.


Hardly anyone is keen to close on a home Christmas week, and purchasers get down to business since they expect sellers to be exceptionally motivated on the off chance that they find a buyer over the holidays.


Home buyers can typically negotiate more repairs from sellers, get help with closing costs and pre paids — and score a better price.


Research company Attom’s, finds there are just 10 dates a year when home sellers are compelled to give discounts so as to make a deal, and a large portion of those are in December. Which typically is the slowest month for sales.


The customary way of thinking has said that winter is commonly a rough time to move, however that is not really accurate. I’ll touch on this more soon.


The best time to sell your home


Parents are extremely motivated on getting settled into their home before the new school year.


Top producing Realtors concur that May is the greatest month to sell your home. By and large, you'll get a value that is 5.9% over market during May — superior to other months throughout the year.  Attom’s research says.


What's more, as indicated by Zillow, homes move quickest and for the most cash during the beginning half of May: 18.5 days more rapidly than other months, and for  $1,700 more.


Why early May? Spring and its better climate will in general bring out home buyers, and by May purchasers who have kids are typically worried about getting comfortable into another home before the coming school year.


However, the greatest day of the year for home sellers isn't in May; it's June 28, Attom research says, when home sellers get a normal 9.1% more than the evaluated market value of their homes.


Even some days of the week are better than others. Home listings on Thursdays move quickest, while putting your home available on a Wednesday brings the most cash. The owner of a $500,000 home could make an additional $2,650 by launching on a Wednesday rather than a Sunday.


Shiloh Conservation Area-Billings, MT.

Shiloh Conservation Area-Billings, MT.

What to say about winter?


Home buyers will in general be genuine in winter.


Home Owners shouldn't sleep in winter. The market can be great in hotter climates, similar to Florida and the Southwest, however considerably chillier areas can be cordial for home sales amid the cool climate months.


A good percentage of sellers make the supposition that they shouldn't list amid the winter, so individuals who do make their homes available have less competition- bigger fish in a smaller pond so to speak.


What's more, purchasers will in general be more motivated. These are individuals who, for reasons unknown, may need to move NOW — or they're simply not willing to wait until spring, when there will be more homes and more purchasers going after them.  More fish, but a much bigger pond


Brokers tell there are a few different reasons January can be a shockingly hot month for home deals: Buyers frequently have year-end bonuses, and the month is by all accounts a prominent time for corporate migrations.


At the end of the day, nothing is guaranteed but the thought that Real Estate is only sold during the spring and summer months proves inaccurate. There’s pro’s and cons with both. Think outside the box.


Todd Eames

Eames Real Estate LLC

Billings, MT.

Todd Eames is a Real Estate Broker in Billings, Montana. Todd has been selling Real Estate in Billings, Montana, and the surrounding areas for over a decade. He can be contacted at for more information please visit